Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Thanksgiving

Audrey had a great first Thanksgiving. She didn't actually eat Thanksgiving dinner since she was so tired that she slept through it, but she still had a fabulous time. She loved spending time with cousin Heather and couldn't believe all the things she can do - like walk! We also exchanged a few Christmas presents and Audrey and Heather had a ball with the tissue paper instead of their presents.

Eric and I talked about how much we have to be thankful for. He said it best when he said that what he is most thankful for was riding with him in the car for the long drive. Yes, we are very blessed.

And, we have standing!

Audrey stood all by herself today. This resulted from her letting go of her push toy to steal the kitchen towel. I was watching her as she did it, and she looked at me and I squealed so much she got wobbly and fell over. Eric turned for just a moment and missed it. I was so excited that I couldn't remember how to tell Eric to look at her! She's getting so close to walking!

Back to the kitchen towel. Audrey is obsessed with it. She loves to steal it first thing in the morning and then have it with her while using her push toy. Eric calls it her racing flag since she waves it around while she's running circles around the kitchen and living room. She also has fallen in love with her sippy cup. I mean, good stuff comes out of it! I noticed yesterday that she has found the perfect spot to carry it - lodged in the handle of her push toy - upside down. She can now carry the kitchen towel AND her sippy cup while racing with her car. What more could a girl ask for?

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Audrey spent the day as Spiderwoman. Instead of being on her hands and knees, she tends to get around by being on her hands and arching her butt up in the air, like Spiderman. At first, I thought she was hurt or something since her crawling was different. It turns out, she's trying to get to a stand on her own. Any day now, no doubt. She also spent the day climbing the staircase. Must have climbed it a half dozen times under Eric's supervision before I even got out of bed. How much I adore Eric for letting me "sleep in" on weekends. Audrey likes to come to bed with me and lay her head on my chest on the blanket. She doesn't stay still for long though. There is a staircase to climb!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

11 months

It's hard to believe that Audrey is now 11 months. I had a hard time leaving her at daycare yesterday but she didn't seem to mind too much that I was leaving. Her teacher said she had been a "wild woman" but she was sleeping quietly when I arrived to pick her up. So innocent.

It's amazing how much personality a little one has. I don't know why this surprises me given my profession, but it is clear that Audrey will be a leader. Everyone at daycare loves her, and there has not been a single store that we've been in that someone hasn't come over to talk to her. I'm not sure how to describe it, but when she spots someone she likes, she holds her hand out to them. I think it looks she's gesturing, "Ta da!" She does this with a big grin, and the other person inevitably melts. She's just so social.

And so, um, headstrong. Eric says independent. We've been trying to get her to stand alone, and I think she could do it, but really won't. When I hold her hands, she gets "jelly legs" and wants to sit down. Today, we noticed that she is trying to get to a stand from sitting. She likes to do things the hard way. She also gets angry when we try to get her to use a sippy cup. I WANT TO HOLD IT! Ok, but stop throwing it. Sometimes nailing a completely innocent dog. (Ok, maybe the dog is in the line of fire while trying to get her second dinner). Last night though, she tried to lap up the bath water. Oh, great. Been watching Fris take a drink. She also learned how to really SPLASH in the bath - limbs flailing, giggling as the water splashes her, and outside of the tub.

And we wouldn't change a single thing about her.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Two Peas in a Pod

Audrey and Liam. Liam and Audrey. Two peas in a pod.

Liam is one week older than Audrey. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Quiet. Easy-going.

Audrey and Liam are inseparable. They are inevitably right by each other when I arrive to pick up Audrey. They race each other. Chase each other. Plot together in the corner. Try to escape together. Inseparable. Liam's mom and I talk about them getting married. Ah, Audrey marrying an Irish lad!

The funny thing is that they don't seem to notice each other! I'll lean over to have Audrey say good-bye to him in the evening, and she could care less! He's the same way. It's so funny to see.

Over the past week, I've noticed them noticing each other. Liam comes up to her to say good-bye. I love it.

Audrey and Liam were the first to arrive this morning. Audrey found HER push toy. Liam tried to share it with her. She looked right at him and YELLED. He didn't get her point, but Liam's mom did, while cracking up. She went to get the other, identical push toy. Within a few minutes, Audrey wanted this one as well. Alpha female. Liam isn't as stable on his feet as Audrey, and when he toppled over, Audrey went for it. BOTH PUSH TOYS. Mine! Liam was trapped between the push toys, and Audrey was running him over! I was horrified. Meanwhile, their teacher and Liam's mom said he could hold his own. What??? She's running him over! Repeatedly! Forwards and backwards! At this point, their teacher is telling Liam's mom and I just how smart the two of them are. The things they come up with. How they watch everything going on. How they stand out from the other kids. How they like to lead the other kids.

After moving on from the push toys, they move on to the tunnel mat that is set up. Liam has a hard time getting to a stand because his pants today are apparently slick. His teacher comments that this may slow him down today. I comment on the fact that the shoes Audrey is wearing today don't have much traction so she may have a similar problem.

"Oh, um, no NOTHING slows Audrey down. NOTHING!"

Ok, then.

Meanwhile, Audrey peeks her head out of the tunnel, cocks her head, and bears a big grin. Liam is busy admiring himself in the mirror by the tunnel.

Audrey and Liam. Liam and Audrey. Two peas in a pod.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just so I won't forget...

We have been putting Audrey to sleep without much rocking for about 1 1/2 months now. She sleeps so much better and falls back asleep on her own if she wakes during the night. Ever since she had croup a couple months ago, she has been curling up on my chest for a few minutes before she lays down to go to sleep. She'll usually climb on my chest, let out a few tired giggles, and then rest her head on me. I love when she does this since she is often too busy at other times to cuddle for long. That being said, since it has gotten chillier, she has started snuggling under the blanket with me to read a book or play with one of her toys. She is inching to get back down on the floor though in no time if something else catches her eye. Anyway, I noticed tonight while she had her head on my chest just how tall she has gotten. Her legs midway down my lap. She still finds a way to make herself comfortable and will stay on me until she decides she's too tired to be anywhere but in bed.

When I put her in bed, she'll tiredly crawl to the very head of the bed. Stay on her belly. Turn her head. And pull her legs up underneath her. Just like I do...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Christmas shopping!

Audrey and I had a fun day of Christmas shopping. The stores were busier than expected but Audrey rarely complains when she gets to ride in her stroller. We even met Audrey's twin while shopping. She was a few months younger than Audrey and was much quieter (!), but had red hair and blue eyes. We were tired from shopping but got lots of people crossed off Santa's list. When we arrived home, she enjoyed her first grilled cheese (wow, can that cheese strrrrretch!). While I was laying on the floor playing with her a little later, she managed to press her cheek next to mine, and give me a nice, long hug. I guess she likes shopping as much as I do!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The model.

Audrey is now nicknamed 'The Model' at daycare. They have had to move buggy rides to indoors, just riding around the center, due to the changing weather. Audrey spends the rides waving to everyone and everything (including the wall, apparently). She of course does this from HER seat - which apparently has been determined to be the driver's seat. Considerable skill is required for one to drive and wave simultaneously!

She is scheduled to begin having food prepared at school next week. So sad that this will be the first time she won't be eating meals from home.

She's getting so big.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

You sound kind of bossy, baby.

I was told this evening when I picked up Audrey that she has been stealing the other kids' snacks. Out of their hands. I thought maybe it was because she wasn't liking the snacks I was packing for her, but her teacher assured me that she enjoys her snacks just fine, but she also likes other kids' snacks. They often times will throw her their snacks, I later learned, so at least she's not always stealing the snacks. It sounds like the kids throw each other their snacks so they each get some variety...sounds like a good strategy to me...

I was then told that if she doesn't like what someone else is saying, she covers the person's mouth with her hand.

Ok, where does she learn these things?

I told Eric about these things tonight while Audrey was eating dinner. He sat down next to her in her highchair, and very seriously said to her:

"You sound kind of bossy, baby. You know you're not in charge, right?"

I like that he asked her if she knew she's not in charge. I couldn't stop laughing about his such serious demeanor that I had to leave the room. It's hard to have a serious conversation with a kid stuffing her face with a combo of meat sticks, pasta, broccoli, cheese, and pears.

Election Day...finally!

I don't usually care about politics, but this year, I've really been following the issues and have been excited about the possibilities. MSNBC (almost) every night. So, I couldn't wait for today to arrive. Eric and I had spent time figuring out how to work voting into the daily schedule. He insisted we be at the polls when the doors open. I thought we could tag team it, and I could stay home with Audrey while he voted, then we would switch, and then both head our separate ways. As it became more and more clear that lines would be long in our "battleground state", and I realized that the polls were only open until 6, I decided it would be best for all of us to go first thing in the morning.

So, we told Audrey that Tuesday was a really important day. A historic day. So important of a day that she could wear her clothes for the next day to bed the night prior! Anything to increase the likelihood that we were out of the house on time. Eric woke her at 5:15 AM, and I heard her tired groan. Within a few minutes though, she was smiley and ready to start the day.
When we got to the polls just before the doors opened, and there was only 1 parking spot left, I knew Eric was right. And, yes, I told him this. The line was wrapped around the building. I had brought a pacifier, the rest of Audrey's morning bottle, some books, and some snacks. Audrey was by far the youngest patron there. She managed to make friends with those in line, offering her pacifier to those who seemed to need some soothing. She also forcefed Eric one of her snacks. By the end of the 1 hr, 20 min wait, Audrey was restless. Almost there, I promised.

I agreed to take her in to the voting booth with me. She was not happy to still be contained after such a long wait. The kind poll official offered to hold her while I voted but I told her it was fine. I can handle it...Eric went his way, and I went mine.

And then, finally, it was time to vote! After a brief tutorial from the official, Audrey and I were ready to cast our vote. First up, president. That was an easy one! Ok, Audrey, why are you trying to press the button for the Libertarian candidate? Seriously, we've gone over this. We know who we're voting for on this. For weeks, your dad has been saying, "How does a parrot go? Bwaak for President." Ok, distracted her from that button. Ok, now stop SHAKING the voting booth. Squirm, squirm, squirm to get downnnnnn!!!! Ok, just a few more minutes, and I promise we'll be done.


Oh my god! Seriously, baby, we're almost done. Daddy's over there. We're almost done.


Just as I had pictured this going.

Turns out, "dada" was completely oblivious to any of this. Audrey was yelling for me? Oh, I was too in the 'voting zone' to hear her!

Next time, Eric takes her into the booth!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

1st Halloween

Audrey had a fabulous first Halloween, complete with beautiful weather. Daycare had a "Fall Festival" in which the kids could wear their costumes. I told her teacher that I did not think this was a good idea since she would not fit in a highchair as a pumpkin! So, we brought her costume along. When we arrived in the morning, Audrey and I spotted what her classmates would be, including a lamb, a ballerina, a doctor, and um, another pumpkin. Darn. Audrey was the cuter pumpkin though, in my biased opinion. I promised Audrey that I would be back for part of the party, kissed her good-bye, and left for work. When I arrived back a few hours later, all the babies were fast asleep! Audrey's teacher said they were all worn out from a full morning of trick-or-treating, pumpkin painting, and several games. I got to see some pictures of her day, including the fact that she somehow kept her pumpkin hat on while at daycare. She must have been having too much fun to care she was wearing it. She was so proud of the pumpkin that she painted, with her feet. She helped me carry it out to the car.

We arrived home early, and Eric was sitting out front with two big bowls of candy. Um, Eric, why are you sitting outside? That's not tradition. I soon learned that in our new neighborhood, people sit out front to hand out candy. I thought this to be odd but ended up liking it a lot since we got to meet several of our new neighbors. Audrey sat outside with us in her costume, and our neighbors across the street said she was the loudest pumpkin ever. She enjoyed eating some snacks and playing in the front yard while meeting some of the neighbor kids and looking at all of the funny costumes. She got many compliments on her attire.

No doubt she will have a blast next Halloween. Fris, on the other hand, is delighted Halloween is only once a year...