Thursday, February 2, 2012

Circle time

Audrey has generally really enjoyed pre-k so far. While the class size is larger, she loves her teachers and seems to be making new friends. So, I was surprised this morning when she began to cry when it was time to head out the door.

"I don't want to go to school, mommy!"

Why not?

I don't like pre-k!"

You love pre-k! You love seeing Ms. R and Ms. H and all your friends! Why don't you want to go?

"Because all we do ALL day is circle time! ALL day! I don't get to play AT ALL because all we day ALL day is circle time!"

Poor kid! I felt like I was sending her off to military school. Uniform and all! Of course she ended up having a great day and usually has marker or paint on her when I pick her up, so I know she doesn't do circle time ALL day! :)