Sunday, August 23, 2009

Gas station moves

Audrey generally gets to be entertained when we stop to buy gas. Usually with a game of peek-a-boo by the one outside the car getting the gas. Lots of giggles as one of us pops up and down, in and out of sight. Audrey decided to skip her nap today (definitely not our idea), and she was starting to run out of steam when we stopped to get gas today. It has become so routine that I didn't even think to turn around to see what was going on. Until I see something out of the corner of my eye.

Eric is dancing. A lot.

I take a look at Audrey's reaction. Mouth wide open. Staring at her daddy.

"Is daddy being silly?"

Long pause.

Audrey: "Yessss??"

And then I see it. The lady getting gas on the other side of the shared pump. Laughing. Hysterically. Did she see a toddler in the back seat, being entertained by this gas station dancer? Likely not. She and I both started laughing when Eric did a backwards move and ran into the side mirror.

I couldn't even look at him when he got in the car, and felt compelled to break him the news that he had not just entertained Audrey during that fill up.

As we drive away, I turn around and see Audrey reenacting her daddy's dance moves, thumbs in the air and all...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

20 months!

Audrey had a busy month of "firsts" last month - family vacation, initial success with potty training, sentences, and learning all her colors. She's working on identifying her letters (we've got most of 'Audrey' down!), and some numbers. She's such a sponge!

We also celebrated Fris' 8th birthday yesterday. She got her cake today, which Audrey helped to pick out. She was so excited about it that she couldn't keep the secret from Fris ("Frisbee - cake!!!"). She also spent most of yesterday and today serenading Fris with, "Happy Birthday". Fris, um, loved it!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Welcome home, Fris!

Frisbee's vacation at the grandparents ended on Sunday, and she got to return to life with a toddler. No more lazy days in So IL, with frequent walks and undivided attention from doting adults. Her first day back involved a toddler who was soooooooo excited about her return. "Hiiiiii Fris! Love you Fris!" All day. If Fris was in the dining room, Audrey was in the dining room. If Fris was under the end table, Audrey was right on her tail. Under the desk? Yes, as was Audrey. She even brought over a book to Fris to get her to read a story.

The funny thing is that, well, Fris seemed to like it that way. She loved Audrey's hugs, and kisses, and squeezes. She declined invitations to head upstairs away from the chaos. She tried to sleep in Audrey's room. And, when escorted out of Audrey's room, she slept in front of Audrey's door.

Tonight, Audrey was again loving on Fris. Fris started to clean herself and had her leg in the air in the process. So, well, Audrey sat down, and tried to put her leg behind her head.

Such an intriguing, furry, four legged friend with a tail.

Reunited, at last!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Let the games begin!

Audrey received a gift in the mail the other day, a Cubs shirt, compliments of Grandma and Grandpa Pierson. Admittedly, she looked pretty cute in it when Eric put it on her. I agreed to let her wear it on Friday since she is under Eric's care that day.

When I arrived home from work, I was greeted by a cheerleader (now in her neutral pj's) running around chanting, 'Go, Go, Go, Cubs!' Dear lord. Gone for 9 hours, and Audrey has been brainwashed. I forgot about it until this evening, when we sat down to eat dinner at a restaurant with a baseball game on the television. We hear Audrey start yelling, 'Go! Go! Go Cubs!'

Audrey - smile from ear to ear
Eric - smile from ear to ear

I shall spend my Monday alone with her educating her on the game of baseball, and with whom her true loyalties lie. After all, even her hair is red...

Monday, August 10, 2009


Audrey surprised Eric and I both by initiating, and successfully using the potty three days in a row on vacation. I had gotten her a book about using the potty, and given her love of books, we think this helped her understand the process a little better. I'm hoping she trains herself!

Today, she went with me to Acura to get the oil changed. Though I thought this would be a quick appointment, it took 2 hours. Enough to make me nervous about running out of activities to do with her, and the three snacks I brought with us. She was very good though. She ended up being the greeter at the service door - "Hiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!" to all the customers and employees entering in her vicinity. We also used the bathroom, which was also close to the waiting room area. After doing so, Audrey announced, very loudly, when someone - anyone - was going into as well as exiting the bathroom. "Pottttttttttyyyyyyyy!!!!" Those in the waiting room were very kind, and got a kick out of her. Needless to say, when I was told my car was ready, I all-too-loudly said, "Thank God!" This got almost as much laughter as Audrey's earlier announcements...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

First Vacation

We had a great first family vacation this past week, heading up to the northern part of Michigan. Audrey was as good as gold despite her routine being all out of sorts. We asked after the 7+ hour drive to get there if she had enjoyed the car ride, and you could hear crickets chirping as she declined to answer...She did love playing in the sand at the beach, riding up front (brrr!) on the ferry, swimming in the pool, and hiking on Eric's back. She also loved riding on the back of the bike with Eric for the 8 mile ride around Mackinac Island (How beautiful is that place?) Don't ask her about miles 3 thru 6 though as she was asleep in the baby seat on the back of the bike. I knew we would be pushing things that day with no place to nap, but I didn't think she'd fall asleep during the bike ride. So, I wasn't sure what to do when she did.

Me: What should we do now? Turn around???

Eric: Make great time!!!! Let's go!!!

Me: But her head is bobbing around, and I feel bad for her!

Eric: This is how I saw Mackinac when I was little. She'll be FINE!

So, away we went. And, it turns out, she was fine. She awoke at exactly mile 6, was well rested, and ready to spot dogs, horses, and blue water. Oh, and the fudge! She enjoyed that after her nap, too.

She is the best spotter of flags, dogs, and bikes. Every other sentence seemed to be "Frisbee, with Papaw!" so Fris (and Papaw!) were not far from her mind.

I realized at the outset of vacation that I sadly hadn't spent a full week with Audrey since my maternity leave. It is amazing how much she has grown, even starting to speak in full sentences during the trip! So, what was her first sentence? During the drive, Eric tried to get some sleep and reclined the front seat, to the point that he was right next to her back seat position. Audrey peered over at him and said, "UH OH, did you fall??? UH OH!" We had a good laugh about that one.

Other comedic relief courtesy of Audrey during the trip:

Eric asked Audrey a series of questions, all of which she responded to "no". When he asked if she was just going to answer everything with no, she said, "No, ok?"

Eric had let his beard grow over the course of vacation. He asked her if he should let his beard continue to grow after vacation had ended. She looked at him, very serious, shook her finger at him, and said, "NO!"

Oh how much we love this little girl. Sentences and all!