Thursday, July 29, 2010

Audrey has been sleeping in since Ian was born. (Guess all of us are exhausted!) She's also been taking good naps, around 2 hours, and part of that is due to Eric telling Audrey she can only get up when there is a 2 on her clock - with the goal of her getting up at 2 PM. I've been concerned that this will backfire, and she'll want to get up at 2 AM as well, but that has yet to happen. She really does seem to wait until there is a 2 on her clock - somewhere amongst those numbers - before asking to get up, even in the morning.

This morning I was holding a smiley baby at 6 AM, and I was doing my best to try to get him to stop being cute and go back to sleep for an hour or so. When I heard Audrey yelling, "Daddy, come on! Get me up!" I knew there was no returning to bed. She was upright and clearly planning to get up for the day when I went in her room.

Audrey: "I want to get up. There's a 2 on my clock."

Me: "Your clock says 6:00. There's no 2 on it."

Audrey: "Oh but H is coming today! So I want to get up."

I knew this is why she was awake early! She's sooooo excited to see cousin H. There will be a lot of giggling going on around here this weekend. And likely not much sleep!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Audrey had a great time visiting Great-Grandma D this weekend and also getting to seeing Grandma and Grandpa P. She scored a lizard that she's totally in love with (what is it about Audrey and reptiles??) and even slept with him on the ride home.

As we were driving away from great-grandma's, Audrey said, "Can we go visit Great-Grandma again?" Of course we said 'yes', to which she asked. "Later today??" :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I have never been more excited to see red tomatoes than when Audrey and I spotted these beauties yesterday morning. Audrey and Eric planted a tomato plant in the Spring, and each day they checked on its status. I was *really* hoping it would produce some nice red tomatoes or there would be one disappointed red head. And a disappointed dad. I think they look perfect!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Say cheese!

Audrey was more than excited to sit by Ian when I took his 1 month picture. She even agreed to hold up 2 fingers for the camera. :)

She later asked me for her camera, and I knew exactly what she was up to...of course I had to take a picture, too.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Musical accompaniment

Our house is at times a zoo. Or a circus. Bigger than a three-ring circus. Today was one of those days. An exhausting, I can't-believe-there-weren't-any-injuries kind of day. Eric and I were busy eating dinner and trying to converse, when Audrey suggested the following:

"You guys talk while I sing the ABCs."

Yes, out loud. Yes, loudly.

And this is how Eric and I had a dinner conversation.

He later asked Audrey if she takes requests, and she said she does, so he requested 'Happy Birthday'.

So, then we got to have another conversation! It was amazing!

Eric says he wouldn't return any of the kids - the dog included!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Without further delay...

We're going live! :)

The New Addition

I had asked Audrey a few months ago if she would like a swing set in her own backyard. Her response?

"I think Audrey should have a swing set in her yard!"

Such a silly question.

As we had other things going on, it took awhile to choose the right swing set. Audrey would mention almost daily that we needed to pick out her swing set. The timing of its arrival, right around Ian's arrival, had me concerned as to whether it would get assembled any time soon. But, Eric and Grandpa P worked very hard to assemble it. Thankfully the two injuries which were sustained did not require hospitalization!

It wasn't quite assembled when Audrey arrived home from school, but it was recognizable as a swing set. However, the swings and slide were not yet attached. Which had Audrey a little confused and quite concerned. She agreed to sit down in the kitchen to have a snack after she arrived home, but she positioned herself so she could still keep an eye on Eric and grandpa:

"Does the swing set have a ladder?"

"Does the swing set have a swing?"

"And does it have a slide?"

And after I answered yes to each of these questions, I saw her relax and get really excited about the new addition to the backyard.

She so loves her new swing set. Thanks daddy and grandpa and grandma P!

Life as a big sister

Audrey has been adjusting well as her new role as a big sister. She is genuinely interested in Ian and gets so excited and giddy when his eyes are open! And while there are moments that she needs to be reminded that she is much bigger than him and that he needs some of his own personal space, she is a really good helper and interested in keeping him a happy and content little boy. When she arrives home from school, she runs to see him and will offer an "I love you". She can better track where his pacifier is located than Eric or I, and she is the first to arrive to offer it to him.

The other day, on her way out the door to school, she turned to me and said, "Have a good day with baby Ian."

What other 2 year-old would say that?

Father's Day

Audrey had a great Father's Day, welcoming baby Ian home, and getting to spend time with Eric and both her grandpas. She also liked giving all of them their cards and giving Eric his new iPOD. She did a good job keeping this gift a secret. :)