Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I'd like to buy a vowel.

Audrey got to stay up a little later than usual last night since it was my night to put her in bed but I was busy prepping dinner for tonight. The television was left on following the evening news, and I heard only the sound of Wheel of Fortune. When I realized how quiet it was in the living room, I got suspicious, and asked Audrey what she was up to:

"I'm watching the news!"

I let her know that the news was over and that she was instead watching Wheel of Fortune. I figured I would hear some kind of pretend play or blocks being dumped out soon enough, but I still only heard Pat Sajak. I again grew suspicious and went to see what Audrey was really doing.

This was one of those times I *really* wish I would have had a camera on hand.

I found Audrey sitting on the couch, with one hand propping up her head and the other using two pillows as an arm rest. She had a cup of "coffee" on top of her arm rest.

"Say L! Say L!"

(Contestant says M)

"No, say L!! Now say Y!"

Needless to say, we *had* to wait until the next puzzle was solved before she would head upstairs for bed...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm not sure what the scarecrow did, but whatever it was, a redhead apparently decided a timeout was needed...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Little Ham

I vaguely remember a time that I couldn't get Audrey to take a picture for anything. Not so these days. She wants to open the camera bag. Clear things out of the way. Make certain there's a clean face. Lots of saying, "Cheese!" Such a little ham!