Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Audrey had a great Thanksgiving and was lucky enough to see all of her cousins. This picture is the best I got of the Pierson/Bell cousins. The boys look like they are ready for a nap after all that turkey! Audrey also got to celebrate cousin M's first birthday. We should have stayed to watch her take her first steps instead of heading back home that evening. (Insert pole incident). As Audrey so wisely said as we checked to ensure my car was in one piece, "Hey, I have an idea. How about next time we visit Uncle P and Aunt D, we park on the street!" She does know how to break the tension!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Swim lessons

Audrey has very patiently watched Ian take swim lessons the last couple of months. After tee-ball was over, she made it clear that she really wanted to get back into the pool. She absolutely loved her first swim lesson this weekend. She got to head into the pool with Eric, and she said she can't wait to head back next week. Though she requested some goggles for her next lesson. :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dinner Date

Look who my dinner date was tonight! Eric had a late meeting, and Ian unfortunately was so sick that he wanted to skip dinner and hit the hay by 5:30. So, Audrey and I made the most of it. I lit some candles and one of us had a glass of wine. I loved, loved, loved having some quiet time with her. We finished the night by snuggling on the couch while watching a little Giada. Eric thought she was asleep when he got home and found us lying on the couch, but not Audrey! That would be silly! :)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Though we now know that Audrey's rash from several weeks is shingles, I was trying to figure it out during this conversation, which happened just after a very trying dinner in which she hated the main course of a homemade soup:

Audrey, do you have any idea what your rash is from? Did you eat or touch anything that you think may have caused it?

After a moment of thought:

It was the soup. That soup from dinner tonight!