Saturday, June 30, 2012

A serious conversation with my daughter

"Mommy, why do you sometimes say, 'Damn it'?

"Oh, honey. I don't say that. When would mommy say that?"

"You know, when daddy puts the dishes away in the cabinets, and they fall back out. You say, 'damn it'.

Leave it to Audrey to provide a specific example.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I was lying in bed with Audrey, talking with her after having read to her and saying her prayers. When it was time to listen to her songs, I started to get up from her bed, with her books still spread out on her bed, when she says:

"Can you put my books away since you don't have anything else to do?"

"Audrey, I always have something to do!'

"Well, you know, sometimes you don't have anything to do."

"When is that again?

"You know, like when you go to work!"

Monday, June 18, 2012

Working on daddy's card

With all the excitement of Ian's birthday weekend, I failed to get a picture of Eric with the kids on Father's Day! So, this picture of them working very diligently on his card will have to suffice. They make a great team!

Friday, June 15, 2012


"You have to get a picture of the two of them before they don't do this anymore!"

I heeded Eric's advice and got a snapshot of Audrey and Ian on a typical non-school day, lounging after breakfast to watch the latest Super Why episode. They get along like gangbusters when first waking up! And usually thereafter! :)