Monday, April 27, 2009

A choo!

Audrey has been talking more and more, and is clearly on the brink of her "language explosion". She has started saying "Au - dreee!" when she sees her picture. She loves to sit in her little chair and go thru her picture cards from daycare. She gets so excited listening to the names of the pictures, signing some of the cards, and trying to say the rest. She signs, Please!, to go thru them again and again, and will immediately toddle over to sit in her chair if I ask if she wants to go thru her picture cards.

She has been saying "A choo" a lot recently, and today I was really trying to figure out what she was saying. She said it all day long, wasn't pointing to anything, and I really couldn't figure out what she was trying to say. When she tried to put her headband on Fris, I told her Fris didn't want to wear her headband, to which she replied, "A choo!" When I later asked if she wanted me to help her get her headband back on her head, she replied, "A choo!" I asked Eric to try to figure it out when he got home since she just kept saying it. Have we been sneezing a lot lately, he asks? No, it means something but what is she trying to say???!! I head upstairs to get her bath ready. When they arrive upstairs, Eric says he's figured it out:

"I DO!!!"

Ah, that's it!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Fun with P & D's gifts!

Audrey has been enjoying her sit-and-spin for several months now. It does often end up in "jail" as Eric calls it (behind the baby gate) since Audrey prefers it as a "stand-and-spin". Oh how she cries and cries when it has to go into jail. She was tempted to stand-and-spin today but not when she heard the magic words -

Time out.

She has, over the course of less than 24 hours, learned how bad time out is. We started it on Saturday, and Eric was much more firm than I. Bad, bad, mom. Eric even had her facing the corner, standing. I couldn't even watch, mostly because I was laughing so hard when I realized he had her facing the corner. Anyway, I can now just say "time out", and she immediately redirects herself. Who wants to risk being able to play on the sit-and-spin?

Since it was so beautiful this afternoon, we broke out Audrey's ATV. We had stupidly allowed her to use this - albeit briefly - inside, but it's been in the basement waiting for warmer weather since then. She LOVED it. She couldn't believe that she had full control. She just absolutely loved it and the look on her face - surprise, then giddiness - was priceless! Eric showed her the button to press to go, and she signed "please" for it to keep going...

16 month stats

Audrey had her 16 month appt on Friday, and we were pleased to hear that her development is "superb". She was so brave during her shots, getting upset with only 1 of 2. She weighed in at 20 lbs, 9 oz (12th percentile) and is 31.5 inches (78th percentile). So, she continues to be tall and skinny. Her head circumference was in the 90th percentile! At dinner, while Audrey was making eyes at 2 little boys who were eating dinner with their respective families, Eric said he was going to need to invest in a shotgun if his red headed little girl continues to be tall and skinny...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

16 months going on 16 years...

When I picked Audrey up this evening, she and Cullen were the only two kids left, and they were sitting by each other eating a snack. Audrey didn't light up like she usually does when I arrive, she just kept eating her graham crackers. Her cheeks were red, so I guessed that she was tired. I was wrong.

Teacher: Audrey, can you show your mom how you roll your eyes?

(Audrey keeps eating her crackers, ignoring her teacher.)

Me: Um, what?

T: Yeah, she's been rolling her eyes (demonstrates for me). Cullen has been irritable today, and Audrey's been annoyed with him so she's been rolling her eyes all day.

Ok, she's 16 months old. Is this possible?

She did try to share her graham crackers with Cullen, and with me, so she couldn't have been too annoyed. When we got ready to leave, I asked Audrey to wave to her teacher and Cullen. Her teacher waved back, and Cullen offered a big grin.

T: You know that he's Audrey boyfriend, right? (this is the second teacher to point this out to me.)

I told Eric tonight about Audrey's new, um, skill. And that she had been irritated with Cullen all day.

"They sound like an old married couple!"

God help us!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

16 months!

Audrey just keeps getting older and older, and bigger and bigger, and smarter and smarter! Let's see, right now she loves to point with her thumb, quiz us first thing in the morning about OUR body parts (why do mommy and daddy keep asking me where my nose, ears, eyes, etc., etc. are - maybe THEY don't know???), books, Fris, books, animal sounds including her infamous lion roar and duck quack, did I mention books?, walk with me to get the mail, help with cooking and laundry and the dishes (she even keeps her dad in line by getting his laundry and shoes in their respective places!), and backing up on my lap to get in a good read.

We were reading tonight before bed, and she turned around to plant a big wet kiss on my lips. This was the first kiss that she initiated on her own. Must have been some book! I've noticed lately that when I put her to bed, she likes to just talk for a few minutes after her books and prayers. I ask after her prayers if she's ready to lay down with her friend Maple Monkey, and she typically shakes her head, no. But, after a little talk, she'll lay down with Maple with no problem. We talk about her day that's done and her day to come. I can't wait until she can tell me about her day and what she's excited about for the next.

I can't count the number of times over recent days that Eric has said, unprompted, "We just have the best little girl." Agreed.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What a weekend!

Audrey had her first swim lesson this weekend. She was very excited about it as soon as she got her swim suit on! She loved her swim shoes, her suit, and oh those sunglasses! After a brief protest when Eric got her into the pool, she adjusted quickly and loved her lesson. She was very attentive to her teacher and loved the songs they sang to get the little ones accustomed to the water. I sat behind them so I wouldn't distract Audrey, but her smile was so big that I could tell from the profile of her cheekbones that her face had a big grin on it. She was SOOOO excited after the lesson that she gave Eric a little nudge on our way out and was BEAMING at him, looking at him as the best daddy in the whole world. She then gave him a high five and another big grin. Wow - what a Saturday morning! Good thing we go again next weekend!

We also had a great time heading to IL for a fun-filled 5th birthday party for cousin N. Oh, that trampoline. I'll bet Audrey is dreaming about it right now. She had a great time reading, playing, and eating breakfast with Aunt C , playing peek-a-boo with Uncle M, eating dinner with Uncle T, going for looooooooonnnnnng walks with Uncle J (not to mention being spoiled by Uncles T and J with another birthday gift!), getting Cheerios from Aunt D to force-feed Uncle P, hitting the pinata with Aunt N's guidance, and learning motorcycle sounds from Uncle B.

I don't think she even woke when I put her pjs on that night...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My birthday

Today has of course been a special day for me my whole life, but even moreso since it was my birthday 2 years ago when I found out I was pregnant with Audrey. Eric was speechless, glad he could have a drink at my birthday dinner. His response? "But this means WE'RE going to be in charge of someone!" Um, not exactly the reassuring statement I was looking for, but finding out about Audrey was, of course, as daunting as it was exciting. He said he thought about this anniversary today, too. He reminded me tonight about how my birthday dinner that evening was like any good Seinfeld episode - while he was quietly trying to adjust to this life-changing news, couple after pregnant couple kept coming in to sit down near us.

I took the day off from work today and toyed with the idea of having Audrey home with me. But, there were enough things that I needed to get done around the house that I decided to keep her in her routine at daycare. It was also school picture day so she couldn't miss her photo shoot. It was all of 10 AM, and I was ready to go pick her up. I didn't, but I missed her while I was shopping since she's my shopping buddy. Granted things went more smoothly and much more quickly than when Audrey is with me, but I missed having snacks in one hand, a list in another, with Audrey typically taking my list to hold for me.

I was told when I picked her up that she spent her day roaring like a lion. I realized yesterday as we were putting a lion puzzle together that she was constantly "roaring". I hadn't taught her this, so I was surprised, but her teacher said all the kids in Audrey's class love the lion roar they practice. Audrey's lion roar is a very cute, tame lion roar, but she tries to make it fierce. I guess she and her buddy Cullen spent the day roaring loadly.

My how things have changed from two birthdays ago...

Happy (Belated) Easter!

Audrey had a great second Easter. She enjoyed an Easter egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa P's and got to see her great-grandmas, Aunt Amanda, Uncle Andy, and beloved cousin Heather. I don't think Audrey has been quiet since she saw Heather. Jibber jabber since the weekend. She always finds Heather so intriguing! We are recovering from the weekend, and Audrey is getting back into her routine. The car ride back was uneventful but Audrey doesn't like to sleep much in the car these days. Trying to keep her entertained can be a challenge since she'd rather be toddling around. While I was driving, I hear the following with Eric in the back seat trying to get some sleep:
E: Audrey, let's play the Quiet Game. The first to make a noise loses.
Eric closes his eyes. Quiet for a nanosecond.
E: You lose. Let's play again.
And repeat.
I hear him congratulate her for getting the correct shapes in her shape sorter. He's doing this with his eyes closed, telling her to keep trying when he hears she's struggling, and congratulating her when he hears the shape hit the inside of the bucket. It was harder for him to read to her with his eyes closed...

Picture courtesy of Grandpa P as I was a bad parent and forgot my camera!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Fling

Audrey's teacher told me last week how much she likes playing with one of the boys in her class, Cullen. She said that they play together the entire day, even choose to sit by each other at meals and snack time. Audrey greets him in the mornings, even offers him her toy. I hadn't yet met Cullen so I didn't know what to think about this.

When I picked Audrey up this evening, she was having a snack with the rest of her class. She was sitting by Cullen (who it turns out is a very cute 17 month-old), who was politely drinking his juice. Upon spotting me, Audrey immediately toddled over to me and offered her juice. Cullen follows in tow, offering me his juice as well. Had they planned this? Was this his meeting of Audrey's mom?

Audrey was ready to leave, as she always is when we arrive for her. Her teacher got her coat and hat on her. I asked Audrey to wave good-bye to her class. Her class all waved back, except for Cullen.

He blew her a kiss.

Sigh. What is it about these Irish boys???

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Kiss!

Audrey has given a few kisses but typically turns her cheek for us to give her a kiss, even when we ask for one. This morning when I was getting her dressed, I was kissing her toes, belly, etc. and then sat her up to put her shirt on. I see her leaning forward, coming right towards me, mouth WIDE open, and she plants a big one on my lips. Giggles, giggles, giggles! So, as of today, she's giving wide, open mouth kisses on cue. Eric reminded me later that Fris gives kisses on cue, too, when she hears us pucker our lips. Turns out Fris remembers this cue and still gives kisses on cue. When Audrey saw this, she wanted to get a kiss from Fris. Audrey can't make the right sound yet though so she'll have to wait for her first doggie kiss - though I'm sure she'll initiate one to Fris any day now!


Audrey isn't yet saying no, but sure shakes her head when in disagreement. Of course, I only ask her things that I'm ok with her saying no to - the psychologist in me knows to not ask a question but instead state what will happen next if no is no option. Today, she was whiny in the late afternoon so I asked her what she needed:

Do you need milk? (shakes head no)
Do you need a snooze? (vehemently shakes head no)
Do you need dinner? (shakes head no)
Do you need a kiss? (shakes head no)

I decide she doesn't know what she wants (she really needed a nap but it was too late in the day for another of those).

I started laughing and told Eric that I've never seen her shake her head in agreement (though she does say, "Yeah!"). She typically just smiles when in agreement and heads over to whatever it is we've agreed upon. So, Eric decides to show her how to shake her head yes.

Shaking your head no is easy apparently, but nodding your head in agreement requires the whole body to get into it - she bent her knees and had her whole body go up and down in agreement.

The question that she agreed to answering yes?

"Do you like Frisbee?"

Of course!

Is it Easter yet?

Audrey spotted the Easter bunny this morning in our backyard! We spent this rainy Sunday afternoon decorating Easter eggs. Audrey was a bit confused as to what we were doing, but she really got into it and enjoyed dipping the eggs and seeing her eggs - and her hands - turn funny colors. She enjoyed it so much that she signed "More, More" after all the eggs were decorated!